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Worth The Risk

He Equips Us For Hard Things

For so many across the world, hard decisions in uncertain times have become the normal. Jobs have been lost, a messy American election is pending, and many have fallen ill or lost loved ones. It is easy to look at 2020 and only see the trials, tribulations, and disheartening moments. It is easy to see the heartbreak and devastation, especially this year. We want to wipe away 2020 and sprint for better, “greener” pastures. Though our earthly pasture may feel desolate, barren, or unproductive this year, God has never shifted, wavered, or stopped working. I have often been reminded that even when so much feels uncertain from a worldly perspective, He alone equips us for the road ahead.

Recently one of my dear friends and mentors moved to Louisiana as she and her husband were called to pastor and serve there. Every time I pray for them, I think of one of her wise quotes, “You can do hard things.” She believes, and speaks to others, that through God’s mighty power we can complete difficult work and make difficult decisions set before us. In 2 Peter 1:3, the apostle Peter writes the early church, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” His aim was to urge the church to seek the truth of who God is, and to pursue spiritual maturity. To pursue truth, ignore false teachers, and be able to guard against dissension between believers, we must apply this as well. When difficulties arise, we must be grounded in who God is through His Word to ensure we are prepared. Whether a hurricane, a diagnosis, trauma, or worldly devastation- we can be ready to do the hard work He is calling us to and equipping us for.

If the decisions we have made this year have been difficult, or the circumstances we have been given are undesirable, remember that we are equipped for them by Him. If we are called to walk a certain path, the Lord is placing us in a position, place, or situation with opportunities unique to us. He is glorifying His kingdom and using us to trailblaze the gospel right to those we serve. We are a walking testimony of His faithfulness in our lives. Thank God it is not easy!

If this life were easy, we would become comfortable. Complacent. Lose focus. Become okay with status quo. We must become comfortable in being uncomfortable on our paths. James 1:2-4 urged persecuted Christian Jews to, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kids, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” In our weakness, messiness, inadequacy, trials…He is most glorified. Just because you and I are called to something, does not mean it will be comfortable. But we are not called to be comfortable- we are called to do hard things.

Lord, we thank you for your ever steady, never failing presence in our lives. We thank you that no matter our circumstance, or the decisions we must navigate this year, that you are in absolute control over it all. There is nothing that escapes your firm grasp on the chaos of our sinful world. We come to you in reverence today, thanking you for the earthly blessings you bestow us in providing your Holy Spirit and your written Word. We pray your guidance and wisdom on the paths you have given us and pray that you would convict us where we need correction to align with your Word and commands. We pray that you would use us daily to further your Kingdom, laying down our earthly desires to glorify you over all. Amen.

Katlynn Hutchcraft is a follower of Jesus, wife, dental hygienist and graduate student. She and her husband are members of a local church, where they serve in the children’s ministry and in the young married couples’ class. She is passionate about education and increasing access to healthcare, creating community for women in Southern Illinois, and spending quality time with family and friends. In her spare time she enjoys a good book and coffee, crafting, and thrift shopping.

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