Meet The Team

Casey Rolape
Founder and President of Worth the Risk
Casey Rolape is the Founder and President of Worth the Risk. She has been married to her husband, Michael, for almost two decades. Together, they have the privilege and honor of caring for their four children: Will, Ben, Emmie, and Hux.
Some of Casey’s favorite things include her family, friends, lots of coffee, playing volleyball and spike ball, authentic conversations, a good Netflix series (while cuddled up next to her husband), writing and speaking for the glory of God, and seeing her Creator move in the hearts of women.
She is passionate about women moving in obedience and purpose because when they operate in what God has assigned them, He is glorified, and the people around them are encouraged!

Brittney Dillon
Coordinator of Worship and Events
Brittney lives in the small midwestern town of Carterville, Illinois with her husband Ryan and their four beautiful children Jeff, Myklyn, Maddox, and Maxton. She desires that every woman know who she is in Christ and that this realization would change them forever. Brittney is an encourager by nature, and she prays she can help in some way to cheer you on today.
Most of her days are spent doing “mom things” and she loves it. She loves watching her kiddos play sports, hosting birthday parties, cooking with her family, and having family dance-offs (or maybe a sing off, just depends on what kind of mood she is in!) When she is not mommin’ it up, Brittney loves having date nights with her husband, drinking ALL THE COFFEE, and doing all the girly things! Because her days are so full, she often has a messy house - but we have a home full of love and that’s ok with me!

Haley Bundren
Marketing Director
Haley is a graduate from Murray State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. Haley is not only passionate about digital marketing but also deeply committed to helping women find their purpose in Christ. She loves spending time with friends and family and her dog, Winston. Some of Haley’s favorite things are iced coffee, a good book, and vacations on the beach”