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Because Jesus Says So

We live in a world where there is a constant pressure to be seen and valued by others. We have believed the lie from the enemy that says, “In order to matter, others have to think we matter.” This is why we often find ourselves running full speed ahead as we aim to achieve the next job promotion, hit 1K+ followers on social media, earn top athlete status, become the ultimate Pinterest mom , etc.

It’s important to note that achieving goals is not wrong. In fact, we are called to work hard (Colossians 3:23). But we are not called to work hard in hopes of mattering. We are called, however, to work hard for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). It is also important to note that we matter because Jesus says we matter. We are valued and loved so much by our Savior that He was willing to lay down His life for us! And He knows when we place our value and worth in anything outside of Him, we are left feeling empty and dissatisfied. We will likely always fall short in someone’s eyes, and often, that “someone”, is our own self. But with God, He doesn’t see our shortcomings and failures; rather, He sees the blanket of Jesus’ righteousness on us.

For the last three years, most of my time has been spent within the four walls of my home. Most of my days consist of changing diapers, making meals, cleaning up meals, picking up toys, breaking up sibling arguments and lots of baby and big kid snuggles. And if I am not SUPER careful, I can fall into the temptation to grumble and complain because, for a moment, (and sometimes longer than a moment) I believe my work doesn’t matter, because it is not being seen and appreciated by others outside of my home. But the truth is…God sees every moment—the diaper changes, rocking my baby to sleep and making meals for my family—He sees it all, and I matter to Him and my work matters to Him. And you matter to God and your Kingdom work matters to God, too!

In these “moments” of feeling sorry for myself, the Holy Spirit reminds me that obedience isn’t always glamorous, but it is for my good and for the good of others.

Doing Kingdom work isn’t about me—it is about making the name of Jesus’ great. And you know what’s awesome?! I get to make His name great by pouring the love of Jesus into my four kids so that they may too make His name great! Raising and discipling humans is big Kingdom work and it matters GREATLY!

So, today, when tempted to strive for the sole purpose of mattering, remember you forever matter, are always seen and are deemed extremely valuable by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! And while stepping into the Kingdom work God has called you to, remember:

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:321

Casey Rolape is the Founder and President of Worth the Risk. She has been married to her husband, Michael, for almost thirteen years. Together, they have the privilege and honor of caring for their four children: Will, Ben, Emmie and Hux. Some of Casey’s favorite things include her family, friends, lots of coffee, playing volleyball and spike ball, authentic conversations, a good Netflix series (while cuddled up next to her husband), writing and speaking for the glory of God and seeing her Creator move in the hearts of women.

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