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Worth The Risk

Cords of Hope

When you think of a cord, what comes to mind? Is it a telephone cord? (Then you are my age.) Could it be a computer cord? (You might be in your 30s.) How about the cord to charge your smart phone? (That may cover all of us!) Why I even have to plug in the cord to make my lamp bring light. (That is another devotion!)

What do all these cords have in common? What is their purpose? What do each of them do? They attach to something! The telephone, the computer, smart phone, even the lamp a have to attach to the power source with a cord.

Here is where it gets good.

For God alone, my soul waits in silence and quietly submits to Him, For my hope is from Him.” Psalm 62:5.

The word “hope” in this verse is “tiquah”, which literally means “a cord, as an attachment.” (Strongs) So our “CORD” or “HOPE” must be attached to GOD alone! A cord is strong. If we hang onto anything else, it is like hanging on with a thin string.

There seem to be so many people right now without “hope”. They are “hopeless”. But friends, if we have Jesus Christ, we have HOPE. We are attached with a cord to HIM.

This year has been so difficult for so many people, and I am no exception. I contracted Valley Fever in September 2020. Basically, I inhaled a fungal spore while visiting in the Southwest and the “cocci” tried to take my life. It will be with me for the rest of my life, but we are praying it goes dormant and stays that way!

I spent 11 days in Barnes Hospital, while the doctors tried to figure out why all the boils, rashes, lesions, pneumonia, swelling and pain, etc., were taking over my body. I was quite a sight and would have to give you a “these images might not be suitable” warning if you saw them!

I got a strange feeling of what a leper might have felt like. I could take nothing for pain and no one would touch me without gloves. Everyone had to suit up and there were many doctors who had to “look” since they had never seen such a sight.

My feet and hands even peeled, I felt like a reptile. The incredible thing during this trying time was this: My “believing” became “knowing.” One of my dear friends said this to me after she faced a life and death situation, and now I understood.

I always knew He was faithful, because He had showed me time and time again over my 60 years of life. He reminded me that my only HOPE was in HIM.

The Father showed up and stayed with me, comforted me, and I knew that no matter what happened, it would be a “win” either way. As I encouraged others while in the hospital, I knew I was “plugged” in to the right source. He gave others hope through my situation, as terrible as it seemed.

I do believe that we stumble upon God’s miracles and His hope every day, without even realizing it. His love and hope are written everywhere. We pray for miracles, when all the time they have been all around us. His Hope is always present.

Do we recognize His miracles, His hope, His peace? Where is our cord plugged into? Dear ones, you cannot “make” this happen. You cannot “work” hard enough to manufacture it on your own. It comes from complete surrender and the realization that He is indeed who He says He is!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. Romans 15:13 (AMP)

Tammy Allgaier is a retired special education teacher, current author, blogger and radio announcer for WBVN. Most importantly, she is a grandmother to her beautiful granddaughter Norah. Oh yeah, and a wife to Alphonse of 40 years and the proud mom and mom-in-love to Austin and Brittany and Taylor and Brittany. And yes, you read that right, both sons married beautiful women named Brittany. Oscar, their Westie, keeps the empty nest not quite as empty. After all these years of marriage, a few books and paintings later, they started their own website at, where they share their creative designs, books and encouraging blog posts. She has also has maintained a blog over the last seven years, “Encouragement for Today” at She drinks too much coffee, loves to read and write constantly and loved Downton Abbey. Helicopter rides are now off the bucket list and on the as “often as possible” list, due to an early anniversary surprise from her husband. Give her an ocean side seat or her back porch, a sunrise or sunset, some CCM, a good book and she is content. Not to mention she loves jeep’n and a whole lot of Jesus. Tammy waited 25+ years to finish writing and publish a book that the Father had called her to write. “Peace in the Midst” Book 1 of the UNEXPECTED GIFT series was published November ’18 and “Seaside Change-A Novella w/Companion 30 Day Devotional and Discussion Guide” was published August ’19. “Take Heart” the second book in the UNEXPECTED GIFT Series is about to be published. Fear stopped her all those years. Tammy knows that “fear is opposite of faith” and will continue to write, encourage others and fall more and more in love with Jesus.

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