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The Nightgown

Many women walk in and out of our lives. Some seem to have a permanent place no matter how often you talk or how often you see one another. One of those saints in my life is now home with Jesus, but what an impact she had on this now 59-year-old woman!

We met when I was just a 17 years old as starting college and a new job. She was my supervisor and encouraged me in my life as others made fun of my choices.

She even bought me the white nightgown I wore on my wedding night two years later…and I remember being embarrassed that she bought it for me. Her response…. “you deserve something white and beautiful on your special night.” How “life giving” those words were to this young 19-year-old lady!

I still have that nightgown, after 40 years of marriage, albeit only fits my left side, and it is yellow LOL, but I cherish it. I have realized what it really means to me.

It symbolizes … Empowerment, Encouragement, Courage, Grace, Peace and my True Identity.

My lovely “spiritual momma” encouraged me and helped me on that journey to be confident in who I was… who God designed me to be. Through the years the Father has seen fit to place women in my life who have continued to empower and encourage me. They helped me realize  who I could be because of Christ, no who I WAS because of Christ! I just had to believe what the Word of God said about who I was, my choice to believe, but indeed the Truth. Their very words have spoken “life” into me.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Proverbs 18:21

Our empowerment comes from the identity that the Holy Spirit gives us. He encourages through the love of others and the grace and peace He gives as we walk through this life.

A life that has been full of hills and valleys. Our lives are not always as “easy” as social media would like us to believe! Your “seasons of life” might include the early years of marriage, a career, raising children, homeschooling, illnesses, deaths, empty nets…and that yet to come…just remember all have been tenderly covered in the love of Jesus Christ.

Yes, our lives include, bumps, bruises, pain and heartache. But also lives that are filled with joy. Life that our Creator, Our Lord, Our Savior gave ….Jesus Christ.

It is okay to differ, that is our choice. But dare I say that we speak “life” into each other’s lives?

May we empower each other with love, grace and peace… no matter the differences we may have with one another. May we be reminded of our identity in Christ as we go forward in the beautiful life He has given us.

Paul was reminding the church in Galatia of something we all need reminded of often amid the swirling circumstances of life.

Galatians 3:26-28 “For you [who are born-again have been reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified and] are all children of God [set apart for His purpose with full rights and privileges] through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union with the Christ, the Anointed] have clothed yourselves with Christ [that is, you have taken on His characteristics and values]. 28 There is [now no distinction in regard to salvation] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you [who believe] are all one in Christ Jesus [no one can claim a spiritual superiority].

Dear ones, we have all we need within us because of Christ. As we encourage one another to be the women God designed us to be we can rest assured that even……that smallest gesture can make all the difference in a woman’s life, it might even be a nightgown for someone’s wedding night.

~Be Encouraged Today~  Tammy

Tammy Allgaier is a retired special education teacher, current author, blogger and radio announcer for WBVN. Most importantly, she is a grandmother to her beautiful granddaughter Norah. Oh yeah, and a wife to Alphonse of 40 years and the proud mom and mom-in-love to Austin and Brittany and Taylor and Brittany. And yes, you read that right, both sons married beautiful women named Brittany. Oscar, their Westie, keeps the empty nest not quite as empty. After all these years of marriage, a few books and paintings later, they started their own website at, where they share their creative designs, books and encouraging blog posts. She has also has maintained a blog over the last seven years, “Encouragement for Today” at She drinks too much coffee, loves to read and write constantly and loved Downton Abbey. Helicopter rides are now off the bucket list and on the as “often as possible” list, due to an early anniversary surprise from her husband. Give her an ocean side seat or her back porch, a sunrise or sunset, some CCM, a good book and she is content. Not to mention she loves jeep’n and a whole lot of Jesus. Tammy waited 25+ years to finish writing and publish a book that the Father had called her to write. “Peace in the Midst” Book 1 of the UNEXPECTED GIFT series was published November ’18 and “Seaside Change-A Novella w/Companion 30 Day Devotional and Discussion Guide” was published August ’19. “Take Heart” the second book in the UNEXPECTED GIFT Series is about to be published. Fear stopped her all those years. Tammy knows that “fear is opposite of faith” and will continue to write, encourage others and fall more and more in love with Jesus.

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